Number of Comfort Suites locations in the United States in 2023

Last updated on December 19, 2023

How many Comfort Suites locations are there in the United States?

There are 565 Comfort Suites locations in the United States as of December 19, 2023. The state and territory with the most number of Comfort Suites locations in the US is Texas, with 102 locations, which is about 18% of all Comfort Suites locations in the US.


How can I download a list of Comfort Suites locations in the United States into Excel?

You can download the complete list of 565 Comfort Suites locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.

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Top 10 States and Territories with the most Comfort Suites locations


102 (18%)

A location for every 284,275 people, in Texas with about 18% of the total number of Comfort Suites locations


35 (6%)

A location for every 613,657 people, in Florida with about 6% of the total number of Comfort Suites locations


26 (5%)

A location for every 408,346 people, in Georgia with about 5% of the total number of Comfort Suites locations

State / Territory Number of locations Population Population per location
Texas 102 (18%) 29.00M 284.27K
Florida 35 (6%) 21.48M 613.66K
Georgia 26 (5%) 10.62M 408.35K
North Carolina 25 (4%) 10.49M 419.52K
Ohio 24 (4%) 11.69M 487.04K
California 23 (4%) 39.51M 1.72M
Tennessee 22 (4%) 6.83M 310.41K
Indiana 19 (3%) 6.73M 354.32K
Virginia 19 (3%) 8.54M 449.26K
South Carolina 19 (3%) 5.15M 271.00K

There are Comfort Suites locations in 45 states and territories in the United States

States and Territories without any Comfort Suites locations

These states and territories do not have any Comfort Suites locations

  • New Hampshire
  • Maine
  • U.S. Virgin Islands
  • Northern Mariana Islands
  • Guam
  • Puerto Rico
  • Hawaii
  • Massachusetts
  • Vermont
  • District of Columbia
  • American Samoa

There are 11 states and territories without Comfort Suites locations in the United States

Cities with the most number of Comfort Suites locations in the United States

City State / Territory Number of Locations
Houston Texas 10
San Antonio Texas 6
Columbus Ohio 5
Orlando Florida 4
Charlotte North Carolina 3
Dallas Texas 3
Austin Texas 3
Tampa Florida 3
Jacksonville Florida 3
Knoxville Tennessee 3

Download the complete database of Comfort Suites Hotels by Choice Locations in USA

You can download the full list of Comfort Suites Hotels by Choice locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.

Name Street City State / Territory Zip Code Phone Latitude Longitude Address Country Last Updated Date
Comfort Suites Cotulla Near I-35 617 Las Palmas Cotulla TX 78014 830-483-4011 28.445323 -99.243637 617 Las Palmas, Cotulla, TX, 78014 USA 2023-12-19
Comfort Suites Tyler South 303 East Rieck Road Tyler TX 75703 903-530-6105 32.28907 -95.300182 303 East Rieck Road, Tyler, TX, 75703 USA 2023-12-19
Comfort Suites San Angelo Near University 4450 W Houston Harte Xpreswy San Angelo TX 76901 325-944-8600 31.442018 -100.499701 4450 W Houston Harte Xpreswy, San Angelo, TX, 76901 USA 2023-12-19
Comfort Suites Tomball Medical Center 13636 Michel Road Tomball TX 77375 281-290-7070 30.0822 -95.629375 13636 Michel Road, Tomball, TX, 77375 USA 2023-12-19
Comfort Suites - South Austin 5001 S Ih 35 Austin TX 78744 512-953-8392 30.204792 -97.757317 5001 S Ih 35, Austin, TX, 78744 USA 2023-12-19
Comfort Suites Longview North 3307 N 4th St Longview TX 75605 903-717-3057 32.542446 -94.732456 3307 N 4th St, Longview, TX, 75605 USA 2023-12-19
Comfort Suites Near Seaworld 8021 Alamo Downs Parkway San Antonio TX 78238 210-681-6000 29.457906 -98.623333 8021 Alamo Downs Parkway, San Antonio, TX, 78238 USA 2023-12-19
Comfort Suites Near Texas State University 104 Ih 35 N San Marcos TX 78666 512-392-1006 29.869347 -97.938066 104 Ih 35 N, San Marcos, TX, 78666 USA 2023-12-19
Comfort Suites Lake Ray Hubbard 8701 E Interstate - I-30 Rowlett TX 75088 972-372-0589 32.878555 -96.517074 8701 E Interstate - I-30, Rowlett, TX, 75088 USA 2023-12-19
Comfort Suites Humble Houston Iah 7502 North Sam Houston Pkwy E Humble TX 77396 281-458-2100 29.939159 -95.271911 7502 North Sam Houston Pkwy E, Humble, TX, 77396 USA 2023-12-19

* Open hours are not displayed here as it is too big to show on a reasonably sized screen.

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